bord och stolar

3 februari 2021


Kristin Östberg

Läkemedelsverkets rapid move

Creativity, high tempo and a series of inspiring meetings as the MPA moves to new premises in Uppsala.

We at Indicum have worked for five months with the MPA’s move to new premises in Uppsala. An intense period and a challenging schedule, something that has required us to step up our game both in terms of deliveries and creative solutions that can be realised within the framework of the project. Fun, we think, who like a challenge!

We started by developing a unique interior design concept, using simple means such as colours on walls and furniture and textiles to create an acoustically good environment and to divide larger rooms into smaller workspaces. The concept is based on an earthy colour scheme of beige and green, accentuated by shades of dark blue and yellow. This is based on the Medical Products Agency’s desire to produce an interior that will serve as a model and also inspire future changes to the premises. A representative, sustainable and flexible interior that responds to different needs and working methods was requested. The interior should signal quality and credibility and be perceived as cosy and safe. In other words, a working environment you would like to be in.

Then the challenge was to realise all of the above by searching and finding furnishings at a good price, which could be delivered fairly immediately and also work aesthetically with a wider range of existing furniture. This was achieved through good cooperation and dialogue with the business and through our experience of public procurement and knowledge of products on the market.

Communication has been key to completing this project in such a short time. Through frequent and effective meetings across the screen, we have been able to make smart and decisive decisions on the spot, and work out solutions with the client. The drive and energy of the MPA has made it fun and easy to get to the finish line with great results.