1 july 2020
Kristin Östberg
The driving force of our interior architects…
For us at Indicum, it comes down to two things: the drive to always deliver good interior design and the knowledge that we have some time to act before it’s too late for our climate.
We want to help reduce our environmental impact for real, not just on paper, by taking concrete action and guiding our customers to make sustainable choices.
Vi vill bidra till att minska vår miljöpåverkan på riktigt, inte bara på papper, genom att vidta konkreta åtgärder och hjälpa våra kunder att göra hållbara val.
One project that we would like to highlight is our work on the interior of Uppsala Vatten’s new premises, where we have contributed to ensuring that large parts of the refurbishment have been carried out in a sustainable manner. Without compromising either quality or function, the building’s original architecture and layout have been preserved and managed. The furniture will be almost 100% reused when the building moves in. Working with such a large project and such a large amount of reuse places new demands on us interior designers, both in our ability to create functional environments and in creating aesthetically pleasing interiors. Working with second-hand furniture is not always easy, as the interior design is largely determined by what is currently available on the second-hand market. Thinking creatively and looking at the big picture has therefore been the key to completing this type of project. Uppsala Vatten will move in this autumn and a more detailed presentation of the project will then be presented on our website.
Another project we are proud of is Uppsala New Town Hall, which we have been working on intensively during the spring. Uppsala, which was named Sweden’s best climate city again in 2020, has set a goal that about 50% of the furniture for workplaces should be recycled, and that all newly purchased furniture should meet the environmental requirements of the framework agreement and preferably a little more. In other words, the project fits us like a glove as this type of environmental thinking is part of our daily work.
One of our regular customers has been the Swedish Defence University for a long time, and sustainability issues have also become an important part of our work here. Several projects have been carried out with recycled furniture and restoration of existing furnishings. We applaud and work with pleasure in these assignments.
The spring also offered a furniture fair where we, as the initiators of IA, inredningsarkitektur.se, were represented with our own stand for the first time. Creating and taking care of the stand was a fun project that we did together with Reform, MER and Tengbom. In addition to hosting students for portfolio reviews at the stand, we also participated in panel discussions on the theme of the raison d’être of the Furniture Fair. The theme was decided before Corona and took on a whole new dimension during the spring.
Smaller private offices such as law firm Harvest, see picture, biotech start-up Coala and Memira eye clinic are also clients we have worked with during the spring and have chosen to act sustainably in many aspects by reducing the amount of waste and CO2 emissions in the move to new premises.
Hållbar interiör is another exciting project that we at Indicum are running. The aim of the project is to create a certification and a tool for working sustainably throughout the entire process of an interior design project. During the spring we submitted an application for continued support from Vinnova. Read more about this at www.inredningsarkitektur.se and www.hallbarinterior.se and follow us in the autumn to find out what happens next.
We wish you all a great summer!